IP Phone Service


Authenticate with the help of the the XML interface to access the CallReplay phone functions. ipphone_services_login


Browse through recordings. ipphone_services_calls

Play and Rewind

Play the recording(s) you want without the help of a computer. Rewind recordings to replay specific parts you missed or need to play again. ipphone_services_options_play


E-mail calls to a specified address for further evaluation and analysis. ipphone_services_options_email


Monitor a specific extension to never lose an important call ever again. Whisper important information to you employee without the client hearing it. ipphone_services_options_monitor

Record on-demand

Record on-demand is a function that allows the recording of a specific call if you know the extension it goes through. Note: Regardless of the time within a conversation you gave the Record command it will be recorded entirely. ipphone_services_options_recthiscall1